2023/24 Donations
A summary of the donations in this period
The Four Regions Trust approved 103 donations totalling $1,084,775.00. The approved donations were:
Donations $10,000 and over
- Cancer Society of NZ Whanganui-Rangitikei-Waimarino Centre Incorporated, New Building, $100,000.00
- Hockey Wanganui Incorporated, LED Lighting, $75,000.00
- The Koha Shed, Storage Sheds, $45,000.00
- Netball Whanganui Incorporated, Resurface Courts, $42,500.00
- The Wanganui District Rural Community Halls Trust, Building Maintenance, $40,000.00
- St Johns Hill School, Covered Outdoor Area, $30,000.00
- Kai Iwi School, Upgrade Playground, $30,000.00
- Waverley Golf Club Incorporated, Upgrade Water Supply, $30,000.00
- Theatre Royal Waimarino Charitable Trust, Building Repairs, $25,000.00
- Marton Bowling Club, New Turf, $25,000.00
- Hunterville Community Sports Complex Trust, New Lighting, $25,000.00
- Kaitoke School, New School Bus, $20,000.00
- Bulls Rugby Football & Sports Club Incorporated, Upgrade Facilities, $20,000.00
- Carlton School, New Playground, $20,000.00
- The Order of St John Central Region Trust Board, Defibrillator, $20,000.00
- Mangaweka School, New Van, $20,000.00
- Whanganui City College, Waka Ama Boats & Trailer, $20,000.00
- Clifton School Board of Trustees, Wheelchair Track, $20,000.00
- Rangitikei Golf Club (Inc), Resurface Drive & Carpark, $20,000.00
- Waitotara Primary School, New Playground, $15,000.00
- Hunterville Rugby Football Club Incorporated, Flood Lights, $15,000.00
- Rapanui Mowhanau Community Centre, Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrade, $15,000.00
- Kaierau Rugby Football Club (Inc), Lighting Upgrade, $15,000.00
- Hunterville & District Settlers Museum & Art Gallery Incorporated, Painting Museum Building, $15,000.00
- Marton Arts & Craft Centre Incorporated, Lighting System, $15,000.00
- Mental Health & Welbeing Support Charitable Trust, New Roof, $12,000.00
- Waverley Chamber of Commerce and Industry Incoporated, Security Cameras, $10,000.00
- Wanganui Enterprises Trust, Factory Upgrade, $10,000.00
- Hospice Whanganui, Equipment & Energy Costs, $10,000.00
- Woven Rivers Trust (The Learning Environment), Tractor & Mower, $10,000.00
- Fordell Preschool , Safety Surfacing, $10,000.00
- Whanganui Community Sports Centre Inc, New Bleacher Seating, $10,000.00
- Sport Whanganui, Mini Van, $10,000.00
- Bulls Returned & Services Association Incorporated, Replacing Roof, $10,000.00
- Te Ao Hou Marae, Disability Shower/Toilet, $10,000.00
- Marton Development Group Incorporated (MDG), Flying Fox, $10,000.00
- Taihape Lawn Tennis Club, Lighting Upgrade, $10,000.00
- Whanganui Collegiate School, Auditorium Light Upgrade, $10,000.00
- Rangitikei Environment Group Inc, Fencing & Weed Management, $10,000.00
- Whanganui Community Arts Centre Trust, Solar Power System, $10,000.00
- Huntley School Board of Trustees, Theatre Lighting System, $10,000.00
- Wanganui Roller Sports Incorporated, New Lighting, $10,000.00
- Rangatira Golf Club Inc, New Mower, $10,000.00
Donations under $10,000
- Enliven Presbyterian Support Central, Heat Pump &Privacy Blinds, $8,000.00
- Whanganui Intermediate School, Shade Sails, $8,000.00
- Taoroa School, Shade Sails, $8,000.00
- Pakaraka Marae Trust, Electricity Transformer, $7,500.00
- Upokongaro School Board of Trustees, Playground Swings., $6,500.00
- Waimarino Golf Club Inc, Paint Club House, $6,000.00
- Free Kindergarten Association Inc - Putiki Kindergarten, Playground Equipment, $6,000.00
- Rapanui-Brunswick Playcentre, Dishwasher & New Windows, $6,000.00
- Whanganui Repertory Theatre, Electrical Upgrade, $5,000.00
- YMCA Central Incorporated, Camp Facilities, $5,000.00
- Upokongaro School Board of Trustees, Bicycles, $5,000.00
- Hunterville Playcentre, Safety Matting, $5,000.00
- Wanganui Jockey Club, Stackable Chairs, $5,000.00
- Otuareiawa Old Mans Beard Control Group, Pest Control, $5,000.00
- Whanganui Squash Rackets Club Incorporated, Water Heating System, $5,000.00
- Wanganui Amateur Musical and Dramatical Socieity Incorporated AMDRAM, Resurface Hall Floor, $5,000.00
- Wanganui Sailing Club Inc, New Motor, $5,000.00
- Kawhatau Outdoor Education Centre Trust, Resurface Tennis Court, $5,000.00
- Hawkestone Golf Club, Paint Club House, $4,500.00
- Hunterville Rugby Football Club Incorporated, New Kitchen, $4,500.00
- Whanganui Boys and Girls Gym Club, New Mats, $4,000.00
- Aramoho Whanganui Rowing Club, Coxbox Kits, $4,000.00
- Cancer Society of New Zealand Whanganui-Rangitikei-Waimarino Centre Incorporated, Computers, $3,500.00
- Wanganui Cycling Club Inc, Sound System, $3,500.00
- Whanganui Kai Trust, Free Food Pantries, $3,500.00
- Unity Trust Limited, Office Equipment, $3,000.00
- Wanganui Jockey Club, Water Softener., $3,000.00
- Wanganui Petre Pony Club, Games Equipment, $3,000.00
- Maxwell and Districts Kindergarten - Whanau Manaaki Kindergarten, Deck & Storage, $3,000.00
- Road Safety Education Limited, Road Safety Programs, $3,000.00
- Legacy Centre Whanganui, New Chairs, $3,000.00
- Wanganui Toy Library Inc , New Toys, $2,000.00
- Free Kindergarten Association Incorporated - Durie Hill Kindergarten, Shade Sail, $2,000.00
- Volcano Vibe Collective, Studio Equipment, $2,000.00
- Waverley-Waitotara Sheep Dog Trial Club, New Sheep Yards, $2,000.00
- Wanganui Amateur Musical and Dramatical Socieity Incorporated AMDRAM, Technical Lighting, $2,000.00
- Community Music Aoteroa Charitable Trust, Musical Equipment, $2,000.00
- Waitotara & District Hall Society, Excavation Work, $2,000.00
- Mangamahu School, BMX Track, $2,000.00
- Whanganui Regional Heritage Trust, Resurface Car Park, $2,000.00
- Hakeke St Community Centre, Heat Pump & Fridge, $1,750.00
- Youth Services Trust Whanganui, Smart TVs, $1,500.00
- Whanganui Camera Club, New Carpet, $1,500.00
- Door of Hope Rangitikei Charitable Trust, Office Equipment, $1,000.00
- Okoia School, Chrome Books, $950.00
- Community House (Whanganui) Assn Inc, Mircowave & Guillotine , $870.00
- Turakina Primary School, Chromebooks, $850.00
- Barracks Target Shooting Wanganui, New Ear Muffs, $800.00
- Wanganui Multiple Sclerosis Society Incorporated, New Computer, $800.00
- Whanganui Swimming Club Incorporated, New Laptop & Printer, $750.00
- EquiAchieve Trust , Laptops, $750.00
- Wanganui Croquet Club Inc, New Computer, $600.00
- Whanganui Welfare Guardian Trust, Purchase Laptop, $500.00
- Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society - Rangitikei Branch, Trap Maintenance, $500.00
- Waverley Festival Society T/As Waverley Summer Jam, Community Events, $500.00
- Whanganui Rowing Association, Billy Webb Challenge, $500.00
- Brain Injury Association (Whanganui) Inc, Laser Printer, $500.00
- CCS Disability Action Whanganui Incorporated, Education Resources, $480.00
- Wanganui Area Neighbourhood Support Groups Inc., Two Tablets, $350.00
- Whanganui Athletic Football Club Incorporated, Laptop, $325.00